Saturday, October 5, 2024

Carlo and the Fisken Street Bridge at Bacchus Marsh

This is the story of the bridge over the Werribee River at Fisken Street, Bacchus Marsh.

At a Bacchus Marsh Shire meeting held in June 1907, the Shire Engineer reported that  - On 25th May, Mr. Catani, an engineer from Public Works Department, inspected the river Werribee from Fisken to Grant street in connection with the erection of a bridge. His report is not yet to hand. (1)

Carlo's report was presented to the Council on July 8, 1907 - 
Report respecting proposed bridge at Fisken street:--I visited Bacchus Marsh on Saturday, 25th May, and there met the President and the Engineer of the Shire, who drove me to the site of proposed bridge. At this place the river used to be only about 60ft. wide, and was spanned by a footbridge. It is now double the original width, and the depth has also considerably increased; and the footbridge has disappeared. Owing to the existence of a clay bank, and the existence of some trees on the south bank, the current has been diverted, and now infringes on the north bank, doing great damage to Mr.
M'Grath's property, where a vertical face of about 18ft. deep of rich but loose alluvial soil for the eight chains north of the site of the proposed bridge now exists. This vertical face, unless some effective protection is devised, at once, is certain to suffer more damage with the next flood. In the event of the Council deciding to erect a bridge in this locality there would be no advantage, in my opinion, of departing from the line of the road. A suitable bridge, in timber, meeting all requirements, could be built for £800. It would be wise, before the Shire undertook this work to obtain a complete indemnity from
Mr. M'Grath, and an undertaking that he would protect his frontage with timber and plantations to the satisfaction of the Council. Unless this is done, in a large flood the river might scour a new channel behind the north abutment of the proposed bridge; as it may be open to Mr. M'Grath to plead that the obstruction created by the bridge is the cause of the damage that his land is certain to suffer in the event of a heavy flood taking place. Signed, C. CATANI. (2)

Fisken Street footbridge, Werribee River, Bacchus Marsh, c. 1890-1905.
State Library of Victoria image H92.320/252

Action on Carlo's report was postponed to another time as no local ward councillors were present; and in fact there was no action at all for years. In January 1909, the Bacchus Marsh Express reported that -
In July, 1907, the Bacchus Marsh Shire Council received a report from Mr. C. Catani, Government Engineer, respecting the Fisken street bridge, and its consideration was postponed. It has never been touched since. Now that the east end of the town is reviving, and irrigation water may get there next year, the Shire Council should have Mr. Catani's report brought on gain. He advised that "a suitable bridge, in timber, meeting all requirements, could be built, on the site of the present road, for £800, and there would be no advantage in departing from that site, but as Mr. M'Grath's vertical bank, 18ft. deep, immediately above the bridge site, on its northern side, is certain to suffer unless some effective protection is devised, at once, he should carry out that work with timber and plantations, and indemnify the Council from any claim for damages." Both the bridge and the bank protection have been too long delayed. Now is the time to consider both. (3)

There was still no action and in November 1909 the Bacchus Marsh Express again reported on the issue - The ratepayers at the east end of Bacchus Marsh have only themselves to blame for the contemptuous rejection of all requests to have a bridge built at Fisken street. "They don't want it," they are told; and certainly they don't ask for it as they should do, with a cheque in one hand and a petition in the other. There is no need to go to the Public Works Department about a bridge in line of Fisken street. A Government engineer (Mr. Catani) reported on 25th May, 1907, and said a bridge could be built for £800. He said nothing about sheet piling, but said that Mr. M'Grath would have to hold the Council blameless for any falling in of his sheer down bank, which he should protect with timber and plantation to the satisfaction of the Council. (4)

Fisken Street footbridge over the Werribee River, c. 1890-1905. (5)  Photographer: N.J. Caire.
State Library of Victoria image H2014.184/177. This image has been cropped, see original here

The need for a bridge over the river at Fisken Street was an on-going issue for the people of Bacchus Marsh. There had been a footbridge there since at least 1870 (6); in 1896 the Shire Engineer, Mr D. A. Little (7) noted that a bridge suitable for all traffic could be erected; he is reported as saying-  
I think the bridge itself, sufficiently strong for all traffic, could be built for £700; but the cost of protecting the banks must be added to my former estimate. The estimate in all would then be-Bridge, £700; sheeting, £150; metalling Fisken street, Bacchus Marsh side, £190; metalling road on Parwan side, from bridge to station, £385; total, £1,425. (8)

A vocal supporter of the bridge at this time was Mr Patrick McGrath, as reported in the Bacchus Marsh Express in December 1896 - 
Mr. P. M'Grath said he had uphill work with Fisken street bridge. They were told by a man who wrote to the Express that the bridge was not wanted. He could tell the east side of Parwan, and all the township people, that if they do not get the bridge they will lose their properties. There used to be a school and a church in that street, and there was a foot bridge there for 40 years. There must be some mystery in not having a proper traffic bridge there. That street had been neglected. There was no footpath, no trees, and everything was taken to the other parts of the Shire. That street was used by 200 children. Let them look at Mr. Wood's wine and spirit store closed up with grass growing at the door; in the centre of the township. The old post-office store closed, and what was the cause? The people had been hunted up Stamford hill, and the old township would have to follow them. The township had public buildings in the Shire hall and the Mechanics' Institute and Manning's hotel, a credit to any town in the colony, and
were they going to lose them all for the want of a bridge in Fisken street? If the Council would only put on the minutes what money it wanted as a contribution to the bridge he would guarantee to collect it, or do his best at any rate. He could get all the money wanted to put up the bridge on loan. He proposed to collect £150 at once. (9)

Ten years later, nothing had been done and Mr McGrath wrote the following letter to the Bacchus Marsh Express in March 1906  
I have seen paragraphs in the Express about a traffic bridge in Fisken street, and as I am mentioned as one of the promoters of it I think it is only fair that I should explain some of the reasons why the bridge should be there. When the Corporation yards were started it was understood that there would be a traffic bridge in Fisken street to take the traffic of cattle, sheep, and horses, from the main street to the Corporation yards. Anyone walking in Grant street at 9 o'clock, and seeing the traffic of milk carts going to the two factories, and buggies end cabs, and the footpath lined with people going to the station, also children going to school, will see that the Shire Council, or even the Police, should not allow a mob of bullocks or flocks of sheep to be driven among that traffic. The remedy is to take those cattle and sheep across a bridge at Fisken street, either to the saleyards or to the railway station, or the roads on the south of the Werribee. The residents at the eastern end of the Shire, on both sides of the river, have refrained too long from pressing their claim to a traffic bridge in so central a position as Fisken street. There is traffic enough for two bridges, and it is not safe to be depending upon only one road across the river to the railway station. (10)

Patrick McGrath was a farmer at Parwan, who was born in Limerick, Ireland and arrived in Melbourne in 1854. When he died in 1913, at the age of 87 his obituary noted that  Mr. M'Grath was a member of the old Water Trust, and a great advocate of Fisken street traffic bridge. He also took a prominent part in St. Patrick's Society. He helped the Farmers' Society wonderfully in its early years in its present yards, when every supporter was most valuable...A very worthy colonist, who did his share to help all local institutions. (11)

Women walking on rope suspension bridge, probably the Fisken Street Bridge over the Werribee River at Bacchus Marsh. 
This may be 1906 as in September 1906 it was reported that - In the Werribee and Lerderderg rivers there was yesterday a higher flood than that of last week. The bank on the north side of the river at Fisken street fell in, and the suspension bridge collapsed. (12) 
State Library of Victoria image H92.320/177

It was a year after Mr McGrath's March 1906 letter that Carlo inspected the site, and wrote his report,  as you read above. But even Carlo could not get the Bacchus Marsh Shire to budge on this issue, even though it came before Council on a number of occasions. (13)  

There was a footbridge there, as we noted before, from around 1870, which collapsed in 1906 (14), but was obviously replaced as in September 1916, the Melton Express reported that the residents had again lost their pedestrian bridge at Fisken Street -
The swing bridge over the Werribee river at Fisken street was wrecked by the flood last September, and no attempt has been made to provide a crossing of any kind for the number of people who used the bridge as a means of communication with the town. The sole reason why nothing has been done is that the Shire is as low down in funds as the bed of the river; but it could, at least trim the banks, and provide two or three planks, with a handrail, with the necessary notice that persons cross at their own risk. It would serve the purpose until funds are available to erect a permanent structure, either for foot traffic or vehicular traffic-the latter preferred. (15)

The destruction of the suspension bridge proved to be a blessing in disguise for the Bacchus Marsh community as Council finally had their engineer, Mr S. Le Cocq (16), draw up plans for a new bridge - and in December 1917, ten years after Carlo presented his report on the matter, the Melton Express could finally report some good news - 
The long-agitated for Fisken street bridge is now open for traffic. For a number of years a suspension bridge for foot passengers only, has served the purpose here; and a number of times has it fallen a victim to floods, the final being in Sept. of last year. The Bacchus Marsh Shire Council had the alternative of re-erecting this suspension bridge, or launching out on a traffic bridge; the latter was decided on, and the present structure the result. The work has been well carried out by Contractor Jenkin, who also erected the concrete bridge on the main road. The Fisken street bridge is 206 feet long (an extension of 44 feet on the original contract), and 12 feet wide. Cost, about £600. The gravel beams have yet to be tarred, and the hand-rails painted; after which it will have a more finished appearance. If floods will only keep in the background, the structure should stand for years. The bridge will prove a great convenience, especially in diverting the cattle traffic from the main streets, when travelling to and from the railway station and market yards. (17)

Sadly, Patrick McGrath never got to see the Fisken Street bridge, and Carlo had by then retired from the Public Works Department (18). Also, sadly, I cannot find any photographs of the bridge.

In 1934, the bridge was condemned and closed to traffic for a number of months for repairs (19). Then, eighteen years later at about midnight on Monday, June 16, 1952 (20) the Fisken Street bridge was wrecked by a flooded Werribee River, along with the Parwan Creek bridge on the Woolpack Road.  This meant that the only remaining bridge for north-south traffic over the Werribee River is the Grant Street (Geelong Road) bridge the south abutment of which was seriously undermined by the flood. (21)

In October 1952, the Country Roads Board gave the Bacchus Marsh Shire a grant for bridge and road repairs but as Mr Bond, the Shire Secretary noted - 
The problem in connection with the Fisken Street and Parwan Creek bridges would be to get them built. There was a dearth of bridge contractors and skilled laborers, as so many bridges had been damaged throughout the State. This problem would not have to be faced for some six or eight months, until elaborate plans had been drawn. The new Fisken Street bridge would be of steel and concrete, 12 feet wide, with wooden decking. (22)

By November 1954 it was reported that slow but steady progress was being made on the new bridge; I don't have an opening date, but I presume it was in 1955 (23). It seems to have been replaced in 1979 by the existing bridge. (24)

The Fisken Street bridge under construction in July 1954. 
The date of the destruction of the old bridge is incorrectly listed as February 1951; it was actually June 1952.
Bacchus Marsh Express July 17, 1954

Trove list - I have created a list of articles on the Fisken Street bridge, access it here.

(1) Bacchus Marsh Express, June 15, 1907, see here.
(2) Bacchus Marsh Express, July 13, 1907, see here.
(3) Bacchus Marsh Express, January 9, 1909, see here.
(4) Bacchus Marsh Express, November 13, 1909, see here.
(5) Identified as the Fisken Street Bridge by the Bacchus Marsh Historical Society - they have the photo on their Facebook page. The State Library of Victoria has it labelled as Views Around Bacchus Marsh.
(6) West Bourke & South Grant Guardian, January 8, 1870, see here. The Bacchus Marsh and  Maddingley Road District was asking for tenders to repair and strengthen the Werribee footbridge at Fisken Street. 
(7) David Armstrong Little was appointed the Bacchus Marsh Shire Secretary and Engineer in 1886; in 1909 he was appointed to the same position to the Shire of Melton. This was an acting role due to the death of the previous incumbent,  Mr James Dickinson. Mr Little resigned from both roles in 1914. when he was appointed to the same role at the Shire of Werribee. He died in 1926, aged 62. See various articles in my Trove list, here, and his obituary in the Werribee Shire Banner, April 8, 1926,  here.
(8) Bacchus Marsh Express, November 14, 1896, see here.
(9) Bacchus Marsh Express, December 19, 1896, see here.
(10) Bacchus Marsh Express, March 17, 1906, see here
(11) Bacchus Marsh Express, July 5, 1913, see here.
(12) Bacchus Marsh Express, September 15, 1906,  see here.
(13) See articles in my Trove list, here
(14) Bacchus Marsh Express, September 15, 1906,  see here.
(15) Melton Express, February 10, 1917, see here.
(16) Samuel Le Cocq - appointed in 1916 as the Bacchus Marsh Shire Engineer; he had previously been the Town Clerk for the Borough of Portland and before that worked at the Bellarine Shire, the Lexton Shire and the Charlton Shire. He left Bacchus Marsh in April 1919. He left Australia in 1926 to return to the Channel Islands, where he was born. Source: see articles in my Trove list, here
(17) Melton Express, December 1, 1917, see here.
(19) See articles in my Trove list, here
(20) Bacchus Marsh Express, June 21, 1952, see here.
(21) Bacchus Marsh Express, July 19, 1952, see here.
(22) Bacchus Marsh Express, October 18, 1952, see here.
(23) Bacchus Marsh Express, November 13, 1954, see here.
(24) This is a screen shot from a You Tube video - Fisken Street bridge pipeline replacement by Southern Rural Water - 

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Health of Carlo

On Monday April 1, 1912 The Minister of Public Works, who was visiting Warburton for the purpose of opening the road to Mt. Donna Buang, presided at the opening ceremony in connection with a sanatorium recently established at the township. The institution, which is a comfortable two-storied building, is situated on the hill side less than a mile from the Warburton railway station. It is fitted up with all modern improvements, including electric light and a modern electric bath. In addition, its unrivalled surroundings, and fresh mountain air give it many advantage's as a place of recuperation for those in need of rest after illness. Its authors are the sect of Seventh Day Adventists, who have a settlement at Warburton, and who have established - according to the statement made by the manager, Mr. A. W. Anderson - no fewer than 74 similar institutions in different parts of the world. Mr. Edgar, in his capacity as Minister of Health, and Dr. Robertson, on behalf of the Public Health department, thanked Mr. Anderson, for the hospitality extended to the visitors, and wished the institution every success. (1)

The Sanitorium at Warburton, opened by Mr Edgar, at an event attended by Carlo Catani.
Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co. State Library of Victoria image H32492/1696

Mr Anderson was reported as saying that he had been married for 20 years and had never required a Doctor. (2). In response, Carlo Catani, who was also an invited guest, remarked that he had been in the State for 36 years without having to consult a doctor. (3) This indicates that Carlo was remarkedly healthy and robust. 

The healthy Mr Catani
Lilydale Express, April 5, 1912

I wondered who the Doctor was who signed Carlo's death certificate when he died at the age of 66 at his Blessington Street home, on July 20, 1918. As the Prahran Telegraph reported - 
A few days previously he was standing on a scaffolding superintending the erection of additions to his home, when he was suddenly seized with illness, from which he never recovered. (4)
The official cause of death, as listed on the death certificate, was Chronic Nephritis and Cerebral Thrombosis and the doctor who attended him was Dr R. Morton. This was, I believe Dr Reginald Lonsdale Morton of 14 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda. (5)  As a matter of interest, Dr Morton was a keen cricketer, a member of the St Kilda Cricket Club and President of the Victorian Cricket Association (6). In the section on the death certificate - Duration of last illness - there was a question mark, so it does not appear that Carlo had been treated by Dr Morton previously for the the causes of his death. Perhaps then, Carlo may have been able to boast that he did not need to  consult a doctor for 42 years (or perhaps like some people, he just ignored his symptoms).

Dr Morton also attended Catherine Catani  when she died on August 6, 1925, also at 39 Blessington Street, St Kilda. She was 68 years old and her cause of death was Senile Anaemia Myocarditis, the duration of which had been seven days. Their daughter Eugenie, who was only 19 when she died on August 1, 1915 had been attended by Dr R.G. Reid. Eugenie died of Nephritis and Odema of the Lungs and her illness had lasted one year, one day, according to the death certificate. What a tragic event her death was for her family. Her doctor was Robert George Reid of Glen Huntley Road, Elsternwick. In 1909 he was appointed the Health Officer for the City of Caulfield, a position he held until 1926; at one time he was also the Chief Medical Officer for the Boy Scouts. (7)

Also, one day, I will do a post on the opening of the road to Mt Donna Buang. 

(1) The Age, April 3, 1912, see here.
(2) Lilydale Express, April 5, 1912, see here.
(3) Ibid
(4) Prahran Telegraph, July 27, 1918, see here.
(5) Electoral Rolls on  and articles on Trove
(6) Dr Morton - Obituary The Age, May 27, 1947, see here; The Argus, May 28, 1947, see here.
(7) Dr Reid -  Electoral Rolls on; Caulfield - Brighton Southern Cross, February 27, 1909, see herePrahran Telegraph, January 15, 1926, see here;  Boy Scouts - The Argus, August 22, 1910, see here

Monday, April 29, 2024

Carlo recommends the planting of Willow trees

The use of willow trees to stop erosion and to add beauty to the river banks was well established in Victoria by the 1850s (1)

Willows on the Yarra, 1860.
 Photographer: Charles Nettleton. State Library of Victoria image  H6299. 
The National Library of Australia has this same image dated as 1878.

During the 1890s this practice was promoted by Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, botanist and the director of the Melbourne Botanical Garden; the Department of Agriculture; William Davidson, Inspector General of Public Works, and Carlo Catani. This post looks at some examples of Carlo's recommendation of the use of the willow tree.

Snowy River
This report of the Tambo Shire Council meeting from August 1891 relates to the Snowy River and Baron von Mueller's advice -
From Baron Ferd. von Mueller - Forwarding copy of his work on select plants for industrial culture, with a view to guiding the Council in selecting willows, etc., for the protection of the river banks; also enclosing seeds of American pines. - Received.
From the Department of Agriculture -  That sufficient for 1000 cuttings of the golden basket willow had been forwarded to the Council. - The engineer to distribute same to the best advantage
. (2)

Carlo also offered advice to the Tambo Shire in 1891, regarding willows - 
Snowy River bridge - Mr. Catani stated that he would recommend the Department to plant the yellow basket willow along the banks, and also in the drains leading from the flats into the river, and gave some very interesting information as to the important results that had been achieved in Italy by this means. (3)

Sale Canal

In 1896, Mr Davidson gave this advice regarding the Sale Canal (4) - As to the erosion of the banks he suggested the planting of blackberry bushes, which would grow quickly, and would hold the ground together just as well as willows or other plants more difficult to cultivate. (5)

In 1912, Carlo provided advice to the Sale Borough Council - Willow Planting. The chairman of the Parks and Garden Committee (Cr. Walden) reported that at a meeting of the committee it was arranged to engage the willow planting expert (T. Ambrose) recommended by Mr. Catani at £1 per day to plant willows on the banks of the canal and river to prevent erosion. - The report was adopted.
Mr. Ambrose was present and stated he believed he could make a good job of it. He wanted some good thick willows. - To be obtained.

In January 1913 -  The Sale Town Clerk reported verbally the results of interviews he had with various departments when on leave in Melbourne. Mr. Catani was pleased to learn that the willows were succeeding along the canal banks and said the sheet piling work would be attended to before long. (7)

In April 1914 a report from the Sale Council meeting -  From Public Works Department, stating that council could make its own arrangements as to person employed to plant willows on banks of canal. - Received.
As Mr. Catani desired the canal reserve works to be made official, a letter was sent by Mr. Holt in regard to the willow planting. The most favourable time to plant willows is, unfortunately, during the months of of May, June, and July, when the waters in the canal are usually too high for the best results - a seeming contradiction that the council will readily understand.

In January 1926 we learn more of Carlo's willows and the esteem in which he was held -
Recently the Sale Advancement League arranged with the Town Council for provision to be made for tourists of a camping ground on the reserve at the rowing sheds. The league erected open fire places and provided water and sanitary conveniences. At the recent council meeting the Mayor (Cr. T. M. Cullinan) reported that some tourists had been chopping the willow trees that were growing on the river banks in the reserve, which, he said, was a scandalous thing. It was on the suggestion of the late Mr. Catani that the willow trees and couch grass were planted on the river bank to prevent erosion. For sentimental reasons the vandalism was to be deplored for Mr. Catani was the greatest man the Public Works department ever had. It had been demonstrated that erosion of river banks could be combated. He was sorry that anyone could commit such an act of vandalism. The Advancement League undertook to supervise the reserve, and he hoped they would do so. A further inspection made of the locality has revealed the fact that the trees referred to had died months ago through having been too severely cut back at the wrong season of the year. (9)

Avon River
In 1898 - Mr Catani, one of the chief engineers from the Public Work's Department, visited Stratford on the 11th December, and made a thorough inspection with me of the Avon River bridge at Stratford, and the flood damage done to the banks of the river, etc. Mr Catani recommends willow planting, to commence at a point opposite Mr O'Connor's western boundary. (10)

In 1902 - On the recommendation of Mr. Catani, of the Public Works department, 400 cuttings of white willow have been forwarded to the Avon Council by the curator of the Botanical gardens and have been planted, under the supervision of Mr. A. L. Johnson, shire engineer, in the soft banks of the Avon River, near the town in the belief that they will bind the sandy soil together, and so arrest the erosion of the banks, which occurs after every flood. (11)

In 1914 - The steel piling at Stratford was inspected by Mr Catani. He strongly advocates the continuous planting of the white willow (salix alba) and the trial of bags of wire netting filled with heavy stones. A proposal to construct a groyne to support the weak bulge at the north end of the high street piling and divert the stream was made by Mr Catani. (12)

Goulburn River
In 1902 - Tatura - Mr. Catani, of the Public Works department, strongly recommends the planting of white willows along the levee embankment of the Goulburn, as it would protect the banks, and other good results will follow. (13)

Creswick Creek, Clunes
In 1916, from the Clunes Borough Council, the Shire Engineer reported on flood damage to the Creswick Creek - Since your last meeting I proceeded to Melbourne, in accordance with your instructions, chiefly to ascertain if the Public Works department would agree to have the plans, etc., for the creek damage repairs so altered as to allow of substituting concrete for the proposed sheet piling on this side of the creek, and breakwaters of rough rock on the frontage of Victoria Park instead of the sheet piling proposed there. With the kind assistance of your member (Sir A. J. Peacock) I was enable to discuss fully with the Under-Secretary (Mr Drake) and Mr Engineer Catani the necessity for the alteration above mentioned, and found that this was readily agreed to, with the recommendation from Mr Catani that basket willows should be extensively planted along all parts of the banks where erosion is threatening. This, in any case, I meant to urge upon you when the planting season was about to open, as willow roots are admitted to be amongst the very best means of protection in the banks of a watercourse. (14)

Fyans Creek, Halls Gap
In 1916 - In connection with the recent deputation from the Borough of Stawell, Shire of Stawell, and Shire of Ararat to the Minister of Public Works, regarding assistance to repair the damage done to Delly's [Delley's] Bridge, Hall's Gap, by the recent floods, a letter was received by the Shire of Ararat, at its meeting held last week, from the Department of Public Works. The letter was as follows:-"With reference to representations made to the Minister of Public Works by the Hon. J. D. Brown, M.L.C., in regard to the above matter, I am directed to inform you that, as promised, the chief Engineer of Public Works made an inspection on 28th ult. in company with councillors of the riding, the shire and borough of Stawell, and their own engineer and borough overseer. Mr. Catani has now furnished a report in connection with his inspection, and suggests that the following works be carried out......5. The west bank on both sides of the bridge 5 chains north and 10 chains south of new abutment to be planted with osier willows on the water's edge, and 10ft. to 15ft. into the river bed, and white willows immediately behind, so as to protect the bank from erosion. The new plantation to be protected in its turn at intervals with dry stone, fascine and stone walls, and with wire netting to guard the new plantation from rabbits. (15)

Delley's Bridge over Fyans Creek, Halls Gap
Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co. State Library of Victoria image H32492/6669

Yarra River
In 1917 - The Governor General, as is well known is an enthusiast and authority in tree planting, and walking is his favourite exercise. One of his favourite walks is along the Alexandra avenue over the Anderson street bridge and along the north side of the Yarra to to Burnley. The barrenness of the river banks does not please him, and he has expressed himself as very desirous that the tree planting should be pushed on. It was with this motive that Mr. J. M. Reed (secretary for Lands) and Mr. C. Catani (formerly chief engineer for the Public Works department) met representatives of the Richmond City Council on Wednesday on the Yarra bank at Punt road. It was agreed a beginning should be made by planting trees as far as the South Yarra railway bridge). The Richmond representatives promised to bring the matter before their council at the next meeting so that the planting can be expedited, and it is hoped that a beginning will be made within a week or two. Under the scheme consideration is given to the utility as well as to the appearance of the trees to be planted and it is anticipated that their variegated colours will form a pretty effect. The trees will be eucalyptus botryoides (Gippsland mahogany) which though it does not grow to a great height has large leaves, and is a fine shady tree; Salix vitellina (yellow willow) and Salix purpuria (purple willow) which get a good grip on the ground, and save the bank from erosion; Populus monilifera aurea (golden poplar), and Populus bollana (silver poplar). (16)

Trove List - I have created a short list of articles on Carlo Catani and his promotion of the Willow tree, access it here.


(1) The Argus, January 12, 1859, see hereThe Argus, January 26, 1859, see here.
(2) Snowy River Mail, August 22, 1891, see here.
(3) Snowy River Mail, August 1, 1891, see here.
(4) Sale Canal - I have written about this here
(5) Gippsland Times, January 13, 1896, see here.
(6) Gippsland Times, May 9, 1912, see here.
(7) Gippsland Times, January 23, 1913, see here.
(8) Gippsland Mercury, April 10, 1914, see here.
(9) Bairnsdale Advertiser, January 29, 1926,  see here.
(10) Gippsland Times, January 13, 1898, see here.
(11) The Argus, September 9, 1902, see here.
(12) Stratford Sentinel, November 6, 1914, see here.
(13) The Age, September 13, 1902, see here.
(14) Clunes Guardian & Gazette, February 18, 1916, see here.
(15) Stawell News, December 13, 1916, see here.
(16) The Argus, July 27, 1917, see here.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Fairfield Park - a beautiful breathing place

Fairfield Park, on the banks of the Yarra River was officially opened on Friday, June 26, 1914. This park provided a beautiful breathing place for the people of Fairfield. Carlo Catani was at the opening ceremony, and donated six palm trees for the garden and in his speech on the day,  he also promoted the use of native flora in parks to blend with exotic plants.  Carlo returned to Fairfield in the October where it was reported that -  the main rookery at the Fairfield Park has been planted with shrubs from Mr Catani and the Melbourne Botanical Gardens. (1)

The following is an abridged report of the opening ceremony from the Heidelberg News. Of interest, apart from Carlo's contribution, is the fact that although Melbourne had 25 per cent of its area set aside for breathing and recreation places for the people, in the outskirts of the metropolis, as Fairfield was then considered, not more than 10 per cent of the area was available as breathing areas for the people. Even 110 years ago then, there were concerns about the provision of open space, or breathing areas (and what a great term that is) for the population. 

The Yarra River from the Fairfield Park

Fairfield Park. Opened by the Minister of Agriculture 
Saturday last will long be remembered as a gala day in the history of Fairfield, as it marked the official opening of Fairfield Park. With marked natural characteristics of contour and situation and the Yarra, in one of its most beautiful stretches, bordering its southern and eastern boundaries, this park is destined to become one of the beauty spots of the metropolis. Fairfield has been fortunate in securing a recreation reserve of such natural advantages and future possibilities of beautification. Citizens, council and recreation reserve committee are to be congratulated on the happy result of their efforts. Future citizens will appreciate the foresight and persistency exhibited by them in securing a beautiful breathing place where all may resort and, freed from the comparatively narrow and cramped surroundings of their home or the sordid and harassing cares of business, may breathe in the pure air of Heaven, be inspired by the beautiful works of nature, may lift heart and mind to the contemplation of broad and noble issues of life.

With pennants and banners flying, many of, which were trophies that signalised the progress and achievements of the local sporting clubs, and the Heidelberg District Band, under Bandmaster Saville, discoursing sweet music, the Minister of Agriculture, the Hon. W. Hutchinson, accompanied by Messrs. F. Anstey, M.H.R., W. J. Evans, M.L.C.,  J.G. Membrey, M.L.A., and Catani, Chief Engineer of Public Works Department, arrived, and were welcomed by Cr. Ball, President of the Shire, and fellow councillors and members of the reserve committee. The path leading from the entrance to the speakers' stand was lined by the 53rd battalion senior cadets, under the command of Captain Clappison and Lieuts. Farrer and Lee, the Ivanhoe and District Scouts, under Scout masters Wilson, Biggs, and Groves, and the Fairfield Ambulance Corps. On the grounds were about 2500 people, among whom were several hundreds of children who headed by the above named contingents, had marched from the district school under Headmaster McLean.

School Children marching to the Park

In opening the proceedings, Mr. Membrey, M.L.A., the member for the district, said it was his pleasing duty to introduce Mr. Hutchinson, a Minister of the Crown, on his first official visit to the district. He congratulated the people of Fairfield on having obtained such a valuable reserve, of 16½ acres, and one eminently adapted to the purpose. The efforts to secure a reserve dated back to the Paterson Government; but it was not until the Murray-Watt regime that they had seen the consummation of their endeavors. He also congratulated them on the improvement ready made in the reserve. In every part of his electorate extreme difficulty had been experienced in getting suitable breathing places for the people. In Fairfield the efforts of the reserve committee had been admirably backed up by the assistance of the populace. 

Mr Hutchinson planting the first tree

The Hon. W. Hutchinson said he was delighted to be there in such happy surroundings and glorious sunshine to help to make Fairfield fairer.... He was pleased as he came down through the lines of boys and girls to observe their healthful happy looks. This reserve would make for the development of the young and give that means of recreation which was necessary for the development of the whole nature. Those who planned Melbourne had planned wisely and made generous provision for gardens and reserves - about 25 per cent of the whole area was set apart for such breathing and recreation places for the people.

In the case of the cities that had grown up since, on the outskirts of the metropolis, there was a 
lamentable lack of such recreation reserves, and probably not more than 10 per cent of the area was available as breathing areas for the people. He further congratulated them on having obtained a loan of £1000 towards the beautification of their valuable park. Man's existence had begun in a garden, and he hoped that the future of the race would be in gardens, where angels walked and seraphs were the guardians. Having formally declared the gardens opened, Mr. Hutchinson planted the first tree, and was presented by Cr. Stone with a gold medal, struck in commemoration, as a memento of the occasion.

Cr. Ball, President of the [Heidelberg] Shire, in thanking the Minister of Agriculture for his presence, said.... Mr. Catani had done a lot and desired to do more, but the Ministry stopped him. He hoped he would continue to do all he could for the beautification of the Yarra. Mr. Catani, in a brief speech, expressed the hope that they would not forget the native flora, but would blend some of their native trees with trees and plants of the Old World and America. He would ask them to accept from him a half-dozen palms.

Trees were also planted by Messrs. Membrey, Anstey, Evans, Catani, Mrs. Ball and the presidents of the various athletic societies, and other well-known residents, among whom we may mention Mr. Bentley, the oldest resident in the district. Calisthenic displays were afterwards admirably given by the Fairfield school children, under Mr. McLean, head teacher. Mr. F. J. Crabb and the reserve committee are to be specially complimented upon the happy results of their labors.

The children of Fairfield should have long remembered this significant occasion as on the day they were presented with a commemorative medallion by the Shire of Heidelberg (4). I wonder how many medallions still exist?

It was my fellow historian, Isaac Hermann, who alerted me to Carlo's connection to the Fairfield Park. Thank you, Isaac.

(1) Heidelberg News and Greensborough and Diamond Creek Chronicle, October 24, 1914, see here.
(2) Photographs from the day - The Leader, July 4, 1914, see here and Weekly Times, July 4, 1914, see here.
(3) Heidelberg News and Greensborough and Diamond Creek Chronicle, July 4, 1914, see here.
(4) Heidelberg News and Greensborough and Diamond Creek Chronicle, June 13, 1914, see here.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Carlo renders invaluable service during the Yarroweyah flood

The Murray River flooded in July 1905 and Carlo arrived to investigate the strength of the levee bank which was protecting the surrounding countryside around Yarroweyah (also spelt Yarroweya). Yarroweyah was a small town - a school was established in October 1881 in the Wesleyan Church;  a purpose-built school being opened in 1884. This school was destroyed by fire in August 1912,  and in 1915 a 'new' building arrived from Strathmerton. (1)  A railway station opened in October 1888, part of the Numurkah to Cobram line (2) and the public hall opened in 1901 (3). 

Before we look at the 1905 flood, Carlo had provided his professional advice to the town before on transport routes, both road and rail; and on the levee bank, which had been designed by Carlo and constructed in 1895 (4).

1895 August
Tocumwal, Aug 12 -  The first two loads of Tuppal wool crossed here on Saturday, consigned to Melbourne. The road between here and Yarroweyah being in a bad state, the Victorian Government, in view of the large increase in the the wool carriage from that station, have sent up Mr Catani of the Public Works department, who is forming an estimate of the cost of construction of a road between this town and Yarroweyah. (The Argus, August 13, 1895, see here)

1896 March
The new road to Tocumwal is fast approaching completion, and the work so far as it is done reflects the highest credit on the overseer, Mr J.H. Lawlor. It is expected that the Minister of Public Works, in company with Mr Davidson or Mr Catani, will visit the works in a week or so (Cobram Courier, March 12, 1896, see here)

1897 June
The Government is still proceeding with repairs on the Tocumwal road during the past week. Mr. C. Catani, C.E., the Public Works officer in charge of roads, bridges, etc., together with Mr. Dewer, C.E., visited the district, bringing with them an expert to teach the men how to burn "clay-clinkers" for the road. Mr. Catani expects to put it on the road at a cost of 4s. per yard, and that the production will be equal to blue metal. He thinks the local shire councils should benefit by the experiment. (Numurkah Leader, June 3, 1897, see here)

1897 December
Works at Cobram - The Minister of Public Works, Mr Taverner, accompanied by Messrs Graham and Kennedy, M's L.A., Messrs Davidson, Inspector-General, and Catani, Engineer-in-Chief, and Mr J. L. Dow, of the " Leader," left Numurkah on Friday morning last for Tocumwal. On the way an inspection was made of the road constructed by the Government between Yarroweyah and Tocumwal. The party was entertained at luncheon by the Tocumwal residents. Reference was made to the roadway and the railway. The opinion was expressed that a railway to Tocumwal would be preferable to a road. (Berrigan Advocate, December 3, 1897, see here)

1897 December
Since the time of the Melbourne to Cobram railway construction a levee or low earthen bank, seldom exceeding 3 feet in height, has been built along the Victorian bank of the Murray for about 14 miles, which has converted a former useless morass into one of the most fertile agricultural areas of the colony. This work, the designing and carrying out of which Mr. Davidson the inspector General of Public Works, credits to one of his officers, Mr. Catani, cost altogether under £2000, and has reclaimed upwards of 10,000 on acres which this year has been grown some of the finest wheat crops of the Goulburn Valley. (The Leader, December 18, 1897, see here)

1899 May
In May 1899 a public meeting was held in Yarroweyah to take into consideration what steps were necessary to urge on the coming session of Parliament the construction of the line of railway from Strathmerton to Tocumwal.  There were two routes suggested  - one from Yarroweyah and the other from Strathmerton and one of the issues raised was that the Railways Engineering Branch had given an adverse report regarding the construction of the line; however Mr. W. Davidson, Inspector-General of Public Works, and Mr. Catani, engineer, had both said they would pledge their reputation that the levee would keep the water back, and it was therefore made plain that expensive earthworks were not necessary, thus entirely sweeping away the great expense that had been considered necessary, and was such a bar to the construction of the railway. Two members of the Public Works Committee had inspected the route, and they could not see anything to support the adverse report of the engineering department. (Numurkah Leader, May 19, 1899,  see here) In the end, the line to Tocumwal came from Strathmerton, not Yarroweyah, and was completely opened in July 1908 (5)

1899 August
Yarroweyah - The usual monthly meeting of the Progress Association was held on Saturday, Vice-President J. M. Breen presiding. It was decided to ask Mr Catani to examine the embankment along the Murray and have everything in readiness for a probable flood. The department is also to be asked to go on with the work of repairing the Tocumwal road, so as to be prepared for the wool traffic.  (Cobram Courier, August 17, 1899, see here

Victorian Railways map of Victoria, 1936, showing Yarroweyah, on the Numurkah to Cobram line and the Strathmerton to Tocumwal line (Tocumwal is on the New South Wales side of the Murray River)

In July 1905, Carlo returned to Yarroweyah.
The Levee Bank, Water reaches the Top.
Yarroweyah, Wednesday - The residents fifteen miles south of the Murray have been threatened by the river overflowing the levee between Tocumwal and Cobram, which in places is nearly 10 feet high. Mr. Catani, Chief Engineer of the Public Works department, arrived from Melbourne on Sunday last, and immediately put men on to guard the levee. The river rose on Sunday night some 4 feet. This rise was increased by the obstruction to the natural flow of the Murray by the Strathmerton-Tocumwal railway. On Monday about 100 persons interested, some of them coming from a distance of fifteen miles, set to work and strengthened the bank. It was thought at 4 a.m. on Tuesday that their efforts would be vain, as the river had then reached the top of the levee bank, but at this stage the turn came, and the water is now slowly receding. The Murray at this part is about two miles wide. Owing to the slow fall of the river, the levee is being guarded night and day. Should a break occur there will be thousands of acres washed away and many families will be rendered homeless. The Tocumwal railway is several feet under water between the levee and the river, and outside the levee at the Dairy Creek the ballast has been washed away. The river will in all probability, keep up until the snow water comes down in  September or October. A petition is being prepared for presentation to the Minister of Public Works, asking for the first section of the levee to be immediately strengthened. Mr. Catani returned to Melbourne to-day, leaving Mr. Connor, inspector of Works, in charge. (The Age, July 20, 1905, see here)

Murray River flood just breaking through the Yarroweyah Road. Photographer: S.T. Ellis.

Flood Damage 
Mr. Catani, engineer of the Public Works department writes: "The water rose over 19ft. at Tocumwal a greater height than the flood of 1870, there was some damage done. At Tocumwal the railway station yard was 2ft. deep in flood waters, and several temporary culverts were washed away along the line, the lowest part of which is below flood level. The volume of water was not so great as in 1870, but the level was raised higher, owing to its being confined by the levee banks, as well as by the raised road to Tocumwal and the railway. There are two extensive breaks in the raised roadway from the bridge, each about a chain wide. As soon as the water drains off the flats traffic can be resumed on one or other of the old tracks to Strathmerton. Traffic has been resumed over the Tuppal Creek channel, on the main road to Deniliquin, via Belubla and Tuppal stations. Although the water is 3ft deep in places, the metal road is sound underneath." (The Australasian, July 29, 1905, see here)

Breaks in the Tocumwal Railway Embankment in the 1905 flood

In August 1905, Carlo was commended for his sterling work in Yarroweyah. 
The Murray Waterway. Obstructions on the New South Wales bank
Yarroweyah, Wednesday - The credit of preventing the flood waters of the Murray from breaking through the levee banks during the recent rise is largely due to Mr. Catani, engineer of the Public Works department, assisted by a number of laborers and farmers, the latter volunteering their services. A meeting of the landowners and business men was convened here to-day, when there was a large attendance. The following resolutions were carried unanimously: - That in the opinion of this meeting the block to the natural flow of the flood waters at Tocumwal is caused by the New South Wales levee, the high level public road and the railway across the waterway near the same place, which have rendered the first section of the levee insufficient, and not the weakening of the banks by rabbits, as alleged. (The Age, August 3, 1905, see here)

Rural Topics
Reports received by the Public Works department indicate that there is further danger of floods in the Murray at Yarroweyah. Mr. Catani, engineer of the department, who rendered invaluable services a few weeks ago in preventing damage, again volunteered for duty and on Saturday last left for Yarroweyah. The Minister for Public Works (Mr. Cameron) has received from the inspector-general of Public Works (Mr. Davidson) a report, in which Mr. Catani's efforts on the previous occasion are warmly commended. Mr. Davidson in his report says that it was entirely due to Mr. Catani's efforts that a great disaster had not befallen the land-owners near the Murray levee. For 64 hours continuously Mr. Catani worked unceasingly, and he left the scene only when he was assured that his services were no longer required. Mr. Cameron has expressed high appreciation of Mr. Catani's self-sacrifice and zeal.   (The Australasian,  August 12, 1905, see here)

Carlo back in Yarroweyah in 1906
Yarroweyah was impacted by floods the following year as well and once again Carlo was on the spot and rescued Mrs Hart and her three children from their property at Koonoomoo, just north of Yarroweyah, and you can read about the rescue, here.

River still rising at Yarroweyah. Water flowing over the levee. Extensive damage.
Yarroweyah, Tuesday - The river has risen, so high as to completely flow over the levee in all directions. The settlers on the reclaimed land had a trying time all day removing their families to dry land. Mr. Catani, of the Public Works department, arrived here today, and found it impossible to attempt to do anything to the levee, as the river is still rising, and the Strathmerton railway and the raised road obstruct the waterway. Thousands of acres of crops are now lost, besides pigs, fowls and calves that were left behind. The residents on dry land have thrown their homes open for those whose houses have been flooded. (The Age, October 10, 1906, see here)

Railway Washed away. 
Yarroweyah, Wednesday - The river to-day is reported to be stationary, but the flood waters are creeping through fresh paddocks hourly and are now within a mile and a half from the town. Mr. Catani was out all day, but could not get near the levee hank. It is not yet known how much of the levee is swept away. He is forming a gang from the settlers to try and stop the breaches at the first possible opportunity. The Strathmerton to Tocumwal railway line has been washed away in many places south of the levee bank, which will relieve the pressure of water at the Koonoomoo settlement. Mr. Kermode, engineer from the Public Works department, has arrived to assist Mr. Catani. (The Age, October 11, 1906, see here)

Damage at Yarroweyah
Yarroweyah, Thursday - The river is still pouring through the levee on to the reclaimed area, but the Strathmerton to Tocumwal railway, which offered an obstruction to the course of the water, has been washed away. Mr Cope, whose property adjoins the Mywee station, has been flooded out. The greater part of the ground sold by the Government as reclaimed, at prices varying up to £3/15/ per acre, is under water. Some six months ago a public meeting carried a resolution asking the Premier (Mr Bent) to cause an independent inquiry into the Murray levee and it's surroundings, but nothing was done. The so called reclaimed land is now under water. The purchasers have put their all in improvements, depending on their harvest, which has been swept away. The Premier will probably be asked to reduce the price charged against the ground, or make the levee sufficiently strong to prevent a recurrence of the floods. Mr. Catani has returned to Melbourne, leaving Mr. Kermode in charge of the relief works. (The Argus, October 12, 1906, see here)

Carlo  produced a report on the levees in 1909
The Northern floods. Improving the levees. Mr Catani's recommendations.
An amplification of his report upon the Goulburn and Murray levees was forwarded by Mr. Catani, Public Works Engineer, to the Acting Minister of Public Works yesterday. He points out that the Murray levee was built in 1895 for relief work for the unemployed. Since its construction a road has been put through a mile and a half of forest. A railway has also been constructed close by and the New South Wales Government has constructed levees of its own, which have cut off important streams, viz., the Barooga and Tuppal creeks, which used to carry flood waters. 

It was pointed out in 1905, when a fairly large flood occurred, that the levee above Tocumwal required strengthening and the then Treasurer authorised the expenditure of £1000 on condition that the land owners contributed £250. The work was started, but a month after, when it was found that the contribution from the land owners was not forthcoming, operations were stopped, and the levee has remained in an unfinished condition ever since. Mr. Catani says that £350 will repair all the damage
to the Murray levee, but the proper topping of the Cobram levee should also be undertaken at a cost of £700. If that were done the road from Yarroweyah to Tocumwal would be safe, as also would the railway, while the village settlers at Koonoomoo would be enabled to make a

The report continues with the cost of the estimates to the repairs to the levees £1,510 and Carlo also recommended the expenditure of another £1625 for the levees to be altered to withstand larger floods than the last one. The newspaper reports concludes - 
Mr. Catani expresses the hope that before long a bill may be passed to create a trust to carry out a larger scheme of improvement, which consists mainly in leading more water from the Goulburn through the existing creeks to the Murray, cutting bends and widening and strengthening banks and providing for the efficient maintenance of the works. (The Age, July 7, 1909, see here)

Carlo's involvement with the small town of Yarroweyah is just one more example of the very active and hands-on role played by public servants in the development of Victoria in the past; not only did they know where these town were, but they visited them to listen to their concerns. A marked contrast to today's Melbourne-centric bloated bureaucracy.

(1) Vision and Realisation : a centenary history of State Education in Victoria, edited by L.J. Blake. Published by the Education Department of Victoria, 1973.
(4) The Leader, December 18, 1897, see here and The Age, July 7, 1909, see here

Friday, March 22, 2024

The Cattani family from Engelberg, Switzerland

In 1929, the Prahran Telegraph published some letters from St Kilda Councillor, G.H. Robinson, who was touring abroad. George Hardy Robinson, of Tiuna Grove Elwood, was the head master at Elwood State School; he was elected to represent the South ward of the council in 1926 and he was the Mayor in 1929/30, having been elected to the position while he was still overseas; he was installed as Mayor after his return in October. The loyal Cr Robinson was reported as saying that he had visited many places while on tour abroad, and he could say that he had seen no place that appealed to him more than St. Kilda (1)

Cr Robinson and his wife, Elizabeth, sailed at the end of April 1929 and he wrote about their visit to many locations in Italy, including Lido, in Venice where the bathing facilities are not equal to those of St. Kilda (says Cr. Robinson), but St. Kilda can learn much from Rhyl in North Wales. (2)

From Italy, the Robinsons went to Switzerland -
We motored from Lucerne to Engleberg. Attached to the Benedictine Monastery, founded in 1120, is a beautifully furnished church. The monks received us very kindly, and showed us through the building. In the graveyard of the chapel, I saw the family vault of Dr. Carl Catani, who is most likely a relative of the late Carlo Catani, of St. Kilda. (3)

This is the grave at Engleberg of Familie Dr Cattani, which Cr Robinson saw. The inscription on the left reads - Dr Eugen Cattani 14 Juni 1838 - 24 Dez 1910. Frau - Marie Cattani Amrhein 6 Nov 1848 - 21 Feb 1913. On the right - Dr Carl Cattani 1 Mai 1805 - 29 Nov 1869. Frau - Anna Cattani-Kuster 27 Feb 1820 - 9 Oct 1910.

The grave of Familie Dr Cattani at Engelberg, Switzerland, 
seen by Cr Robinson on his trip abroad
Photographer: Robert Savery from Find a Grave

Engelberg was a noted tourist destination; one source notes that - 
Engelberg’s development as a tourist destination began in the 1840s when physician Dr Carl Cattani established Engelberg as a health resort and built the village’s first hydrotherapy hotel, the Engel. Cattani believed that the power of nature could cure diseases like tuberculosis and chronic catarrh if patients “took the waters”, were given hydrotherapy treatments, and got plenty of fresh air. (4)

There is other information about the Cattani family in Engelberg in a short history of the  Kempinski Palace Hotel in  Engelberg - 
The village of Engelberg has been characterised by tourism for over 100 years: In the middle of the 19th century, the village, located in the middle of the Central Swiss Alps, experienced a tremendous boom and first became known as a health resort for drinking and bathing cures. 

The hotel history of today's Kempinski Palace Engelberg began in the spring of 1890, when the hotelier and politician of the time Eduard Cattani (1841 – 1908) bought a piece of land from the Benedictine monastery in Engelberg and had a spa built on it. The connection of the mountain village to the railway network in 1898 – at that time the longest electric railway line in Switzerland – was followed one year later by the opening of the spa by the successful Engelberg hotelier Eduard Cattani. He had already realised the first luxury hotel in the valley in 1865 with the Hotel Titlis.

Since the spa could not be heated in times of winter tourism, which developed from 1903 onwards, Cattani commissioned his brother, the internationally renowned hotel architect Arnold Cattani (1846 – 1921), to construct the Grand Hotel Winterhaus – later better known as Hotel Europäischer Hof, which opened in 1905. Three years earlier, in 1902, the present Kursaal was built as a banqueting hall in the space between the two hotels. The Kuranstalt and the Grand Hotel Winterhaus were known as the most luxurious guest houses in Engelberg, with an excellent reputation far beyond the borders of Switzerland. The buildings, arranged in a semicircle with the Hotel Titlis, the Grand Hotel Winterhaus, the Kursaal and the Kuranstalt, were soon the talk of the town and known as "Little Versailles".

In December 1939, the brothers Eduard, Alfred and Arnold Cattani sold the "Grand Hotel Winterhaus with concert hall and bar annexe together with surrounding grounds" to the Obwaldner Kantonalbank (5)

We can assume that Cr Carl and Dr Eugen are related to Eduard, Alfred and Arnold Cattani, but are they connected to Carlo? It is easy to see why Cr Robinson made that assumption and the difference in spelling of the surname is neither here nor there as it is not unknown for branches of the same family to spell their names differently.

I am with Cr Robinson in this matter as there are connections or coincidences between the Swiss Cattani family and Carlo's family, apart from the fact that were all men of vision and enterprise.  Carl Cattani and his son, Eugen, were both doctors, as was Carlo's brother, Giulio (who I have written about here). As an Architect,  Arnold Cattani, combined the professions of Carlo - the engineer and his brother Ugo - the noted artist - as buildings need to be structurally sound and hopefully aesthetically pleasing.  Carlo enthusiastically promoted tourism in Victoria, as one obituary noted - To his energy and enthusiasm the development of many of the popular mountain tourist resorts are due, especially Mount Buffalo (6) whilst the Swiss Cattani family promoted tourism in the Alps. 

Hotel Cattani,  Engelberg
Detroit Free Press, February 16, 1910 p.6, from

Hotel Cattani, Engelberg
London Evening Standard, June 1 1908, p. 16, from

The only other reference to the Cattani family and Engelberg I could find in the Australian newspapers was in the Kalgoorlie Miner in 1906, when they published an account of a visit there by an un-named author -
It was on a day of brilliant, broken sunshine that I came over the Arlberg and down at night to Zurich. Here the moon was misty, and the lake spread a dampness in the air. Next morning dawned grey and cloudy. At Lucerne it was thawing nastily, and snow seemed to be not far off. However, snow or no snow, I meant to get up to Engleberg and see what sport and entertainment that happy valley, always so full of visitors in the summer, could afford in winter.

This is the first year it has been open as a winter place. The enterprising Brothers Catani [sic], who owned several hotels up here already, built another one specially far cold-weather guests. At Christmas time there were well over a hundred English visitors, who made up a merry party, and a good number have stayed on. (7)

Is Carlo related to Dr Carl Cattani and his family? One day, I may have genealogical proof either way,  but until then, my answer is in the affirmative.

(1) Sun News-Pictorial,  April 17, 1926, see here; Prahran Telegraph, May 31, 1929, see herePrahran Telegraph, August 30, 1929, see here; Prahran Telegraph, October 25, 1929, see here; Obituary - The Age, July 13, 1939, see here; Sun News-Pictorial July 14, 1939, see here
(2) Prahran Telegraph, May 31, 1929, see herePrahran Telegraph, August 16, 1929, see here 
(3)  Prahran Telegraph, August 16, 1929, see here
(6) Prahran Chronicle, July 27, 1918, see here
(7) Kalgoorlie Miner, March 16, 1906, see here.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Dr Giulio Catani (1848-1921)

Carlo's brother, Dr Giulio Catani was born in 1848 and was a doctor at the St John of God Hospital in Florence. The website Associazione San Giovanni di Dio, provides a history of the Hospital - 
This hospital, on the street of Borgo Ognissanti dates back to the 14th century. In 1382, its founder Simone Vespucci dedicated the hospital. Its name, Santa Maria dell'Umiltà (of Humility), probably comes from the nearby convent of the same name. Vespucci, a merchant and silkmaker was also the first administrator and patron of the hospital, along with being the great uncle of the more famous Amerigo.

In 1400, the hospital passed from the Vespucci to the captains of Bigallo; the latter had been given charge of the supervision and management of small hospitals in the city and surrounding countryside. The Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God's involvement in this hospital's activity began on February 4th 1588 when Grand Duke Ferdinand I accorded possession of the hospital buildings and grounds to the brothers of Saint John of God. 
You can read more of the history here

Interior - St John of God Hospital in Florence, where Dr Catani was Superintendent.

I found these reports of  Dr Catani's medical work in the Australian newspapers on Trove. The first one is from The Advocate, of October 31, 1891 (see here) and concerns the miraculous recovery of a patient. The treatment - Trepanning - involved drilling a hole in the patient's skull. 

A correspondent (" F. K.") writes to the Weekly Register, under the heading "Our Lady of Pompeii" : -  A remarkable answer to the prayer of faith has been recently exhibited in the case of one of the English denizens of Florence, Mr. Campbell, a Catholic gentleman engaged in tuition, met just two years ago with a bad accident, by which he sustained a severe contusion of the skull, bringing on intense pain and paralysis. 

It was decided a few weeks since, as a last resource, to submit the patient to the operation of trepanning. When the decision of the surgeons was announced, Mr. Campbell's friends determined before the operation took place to make the matter a subject of special prayer; and, accordingly, a novena was observed, requesting the intercession of Our Lady of Pompeii. On the last day of the novena the patient was so bad that Dr. Baldwin said he must be trepanned at once. The next morning he awoke perfectly well as regards his head, and the doctors pronounced that the brain pressure was gone. The paralysis, however, remained as before; and Dr. Catani, the other physician in attendance, told Mrs. Campbell that there was absolutely no hope that her husband could recover the use of his limbs, and that he would always be paralytic.

In consequence, a second novena was addressed to the Virgin of Pompeii. No amendment (as in the former case) was observed at first, but on the tenth day Mr. Campbell arose from his bed, and walked, and jumped, and ran. On Monday (the 3rd of August) he walked up to Bellosguardo - a long ascent sufficient even to tire a person in health - and called upon a friend there.

The second report was published first in The Herald (see here) and then reprinted in the Kyneton Guardian, on November 11, 1915 (see here). As Carlo's son, Enrico, owned a farm at Kyneton, the report added this local connection.

Dr. G. Catani, formerly Superintendent of the Hospital of St. John of God, Florence, Italy, and a brother of Mr. C. Catani, Chief Engineer of the Public Works Department, and uncle of Lieut. Enrico Catani, of Kyneton, has been recalled from retirement to organise No. 2 Hospital, Florence, for the Red Cross Society, in order to provide for the reception of 60,000 wounded soldiers if necessary. Despite his 67 years, he has entered upon his task with zest. He has been given the rank of Lieut.-Colonel by the Italian Government. Some time before war broke out Dr. Catani treated King Ferdinand of Bulgaria for throat trouble, and received a decoration.

Dr Catani died on January 22, 1921 and a death notice was inserted in The Argus, of March 21, 1921 (see here) - CATANI - On the 22nd January, 1921, at Florence, Italy, Dr. Giulio Catani, brother of the late Carlo Catani, C.E., Melbourne, and uncle of Ettore, Vera, and Enid Catani, St Kilda.

There is one other mention of Dr Catani and this was in regard to the shortage of lanolin for Red Cross work in Italy during the War and Carlo's efforts to remedy this; I have written about this here.

There are photographs of the St John of God Hospital here and here