Sunday, December 30, 2018

Carlo suggests Wonthaggi should be called Petria.

Here's an interesting article from the Geelong Advertiser of February 28, 1910 about names for the new coal town on the Powlett River - the Premier, John Murray, had suggested Peterloo or Peterhaven, whilst Carlo suggested the more poetic, Petria.  Peter McBride, mentioned in the article, was the Minister for Mines at the time. In the end Wonthaggi won the day! There is a McBride Avenue and a Murray Street in Wonthaggi, but nothing named for Carlo. I rather like the name Petria.

Geelong Advertiser  February 28, 1910

Dealing with the question of the naming of the township close to the State coal mine, Mr. McBride said that he was not anxious that it should be called after him. He had seen suggestions by the Premier to call it 'Peterloo' or 'Peterhaven', and Mr. Catani, Chief Engineer of Public Works, had proposed 'Petria', but he thought that the present name, Wonthaggi, was not inappropriate. was a native name, and the following was the full definition given in the text book relating to such names - "Borne, drag; to pull along; to get; to bring; to haul; to drag; lug; to procure; to fetch; to obtain; to convey." 
All those definitions, or most of them, he thought, applied to a place where the coal mining industry was carried on. He would therefore he satisfied with the name Wonthaggi, especially as it had now been put on the plan relating to the sale of the leaseholds. An avenue in the township was to be named after him, and streets after his colleagues.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Carlo and the Warrnambool harbour

In 1910, Carlo drew up plans for harbour improvements at Warrnambool.  The local community had been agitating for these improvements for many years  - in fact historian, Charles Sayers* has called the story of the Warrnambool Harbour one of dying hopes, dwindled trade, frustrated ambitions and futile expenditure.

We will start with a short history of the harbour, taken from Mr Sayer's book By these we flourish: a history of Warrnambool (Heinemann, 1969)

The first jetty in Lady Bay was built in 1849, but years later it was still unfinished and ricketty and broke up in 1862. A second jetty was built around 1857, known as the tramways jetty, although it was not completed until 1874 - Mr Sayers also describes this jetty as ricketty. As early as 1864 some considered the new jetty dangerous for horses and unsafe for for pedestrians. It was called the tramways jetty as it was connected to a tramway for the transportation of goods. From the start it seems that the locals thought that the harbour could be improved by a breakwater, the opening of the Merri River mouth and an extension of the jetty.

The Tramways jetty at Warrnambool, c. 1900-1920.  Photographer: T.J Rowan
State Library of Victoria Image H81.85/16

A breakwater of 600 yards in length and to cost 110,00 pounds was approved by the Victorian Government  in 1874. Preliminary work commenced, the first allocation of money had been expended, then the money stopped, there was a roller coast change of governments in Victoria over the next few years - so by 1879 the breakwater was just a thousand of tons of concrete blocks [that] had been thrown into the bay to make a foundation at a cost of 20,000 pounds.

In 1879, Sir John Coode, Melbourne Harbour Trust engineer drew new plans - a combined breakwater and wharf, 1,800 feet long, made of concrete blocks, to be constructed at a cost of 280,900 pounds. This massive amount of money was not favoured by the Government and his amended plan reduced the breakwater to 900 feet and the cost to 140,000 pounds and by removing the sheltering parapet the cost was reduced again to 134,000 pounds. In the end the contract price for the breakwater was just over 129,000 pounds and the contractor, Arthur Dobson, was to build a breakwater, 1033 feet long, which would allow for the loading of three vessels, each 200 feet long at one time in a depth of thirty to thirty five feet of water. It started around 1885 and was completed by 1890.

From the start there was unhappiness with the breakwater - it turned out to be only 900 feet long and the locals wanted in extended another 300 feet. But on February 4, 1890 the railway reached the town of Warnambool and the Government was not keen to spend more money on the port when there was an alternate form of transport. The other issue was that the breakwater caused siltation problems in the harbour and continuous dredging was needed to keep the harbour viable. By 1910, trade through the harbour had decreased to 4,000 tons, from a high of 40,000 tons.

Lady Bay, Warrnambool, 1907. Photographer: Joseph Jordan.
This photo was taken only three years before Carlo drew up his plans for harbour improvements.
State Library of Victoria Image H96.160/1405

This is where Carlo Catani comes in. In August 1910, Carlo proposed a plan for building a dock and for dredging work that increased the berthing capacity at the harbour. The dock was to be 3,000 feet long and 800 feet wide and allow ships up to 400 feet in length. The cost of the works was 180,000 pounds (or if timber was partly used instead if concrete, 130,000 pounds).

Instead of acting on Carlo's plans, in 1914, a contract was let to increase the breakwater 300 feet, an instalment of the Coode plan according to Mr Sayers.  This work was completed but not satisfactory, and there were allegations of corruption and that the specifications for the concrete blocks had not been met. A Royal Commission was appointed and it was found that the breakwater extension was built on sand, not rock and thus the extension collapsed and the 70,000 pounds that it had cost was mostly wasted.

Back to Carlo's plans - The Warrnambool Council were happy with Carlos' plans - there is a report in the the Colac Herald of July 8, 1912 where  a deputation from the Chamber of Commerce met with the Council to get much needed harbour improvements at the local port. The had this to say about the plans  They had a capital scheme drawn up by a competent Government Engineer (Mr Catani) and approved of by the Chief Engineer, (Mr Davidson) and yet according to Mr Murray's statement at the Farmers' Convention the Government was seeking for further advice in another state. This seemed ridiculous, and there was no reason why the scheme of Mr Catani should not be immediately gone on with.  The meeting ended with this motion That Mr Murray [John Murray, M.L.A] be urged to have £30,000 placed on this year's estimates, to commence, as soon as possible the harbor improvement scheme as drawn up by Cr Catani. See the full article, here.

The Victorian Government did not commit to Carlo's plans, then the First World War intervened and the work on the harbour was suspended and as Mr Sayers said, it remained that way. Even as late as 1944 the Warrnambool Shire still hoped to revive Carlo's plans as they urged that dredging and the building of a dock along the lines of the Catani plan of 1910 be commenced.  Nothing came of the effort, wrote Mr Sayers, so Carlo's plans for the Warrnambool harbour were never acted on. Mr Sayers says the Warrnambool harbour is now just a playground. 

The Breakwater, Warrnambool. (Rose Stereograph Co)
State Library of Victoria Image H32492/1720
According to Charles Sayers, commercial traffic in the port ended in March 1942 due to the depth of water, which in 1944 was reported to be just over seven feet at the harbour entrance, due to siltation. So this dates this photo to some time pre-1942.

* Charles Edward Sayers, known as C.E. Sayers, was born in Bendigo in 1901 and was a journalist with The Age, a writer of novels and a writer of history. He died in 1979, you can read about him, here, in the Australian Dictionary of Biography.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Carlo designs a garden for Korumburra State School

In  June 1913,  Carlo visited Korumburra with plans to design a new garden for the State School. The plans involved purchasing 2½ acres of land next to the school for the beautification of the school grounds and a play ground. 

Carlo and the beautification of the school grounds

Korumburra - Mr Catani, of the Public Works department, visited Korumburra on Tuesday for the purpose of preparing a design for the beautification of the school ground. The director of Education (Mr Tate) has promised £50 towards the purchase of 2½ acres of land adjacent to the school for a playground for the children, provided the balance of £62 is raised in the district. An appeal will shortly be made to residents for funds. (1).

Korumburra State School. Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co. 
State Library of Victoria Image H2008.12/24

Was this playground and beautification project, in Carlo's design ever completed? I cannot tell you for sure  but there certainly appears to be some Carlo influence in this garden. Looking at the photos we have his trademark palm trees and in the photo above, you can see the use of what appear to be rock edgings - another Carlo feature used in a very much grander manner in the gardens that he designed and that bear his name in St Kilda - the Catani Gardens (2)

Korumburra State School: postcard from A souvenir of beautiful Korumburra, c.1950.
State Library of Victoria Image H84.440/333

As a matter of interest, Korumburra State School, No. 3077,  opened in December 1890, and was eventually replaced by the building shown in the photos which was opened on March 6, 1913 (3).  An article in The Age,  had this to say about the opening The new brick State school at Korumburra was declared open on Thursday by Mr. Tate, Director of Education. Mr Tate stated that no country town in Victoria had such a fine school building as this one. There were not more than a dozen such schools in the State. The school cost about £6000. (4)

No wonder the townsfolk of Korumburra wanted a beautiful garden to go with their new school especially as, according to reports in the paper in 1911, the previous school building was so disgraceful that many parents seriously considered organising a strike (5)In May 1891 there were 40 students enrolled, in 1894 319 students, in 1900 - 491 students, 1910 - 480 students. The rapid growth in school numbers was due to coal - the first load of coal to be transported out of  the Coal Creek Mine at Korumburra took place on October 25, 1892. (6). 

(1) The Argus June 4, 1913, see here 
(3) Vision and Realisation: a centenary history of State Education in Victoria, edited by L.J. Blake. (Education Department of Victoria, 1973)
(4) The Age, March 7, 1913, see here
(5) The Age, November 15, 1911, see here.
(6) The history of the Shire of Korumburra by Joseph White (Shire of Korumburra, 1988)

Korumburra Shire cannot make a decision on a new road proposed by Carlo

In 1912, The Age had a report on the inaction of the Korumburra Shire regarding a new road in Strzelecki which the locals wanted and had contributed to, that had reports and plans drawn up by staff at the Public Works Department, including Carlo and that the State Government had offered funding towards.  I am sure that the residents of Strzelecki wished that all bureaucrats were like Carlo about which is written -  Probably he was able to do so much with the slow moving civil servants around him because he was blessed with unusual vigor himself and could paint a rosy scheme in treble languages (1) but it seems that even Carlo's vigor and  ability to paint a rosy scheme could not move the Korumburra Council into action.

The Strzelecki road proposal (transcibed below)

An Irresolute Council. Long Wrangle about a Road.
Korumburra, Sunday - The proposal to open up a new road known as M'Laity's road, Strezleckie, has been before the local shire council for the past 2½ years. At almost every meeting the matter has been discussed, and at time acrimonious exchanges have taken place between councillors. In the beginning a committee of the council, inspected the road and recommended its construction, provided satisfactory financial arrangements were made. The settlers interested have contributed upwards of £100 in money and in work. Three officers from the Public Works department, Messrs. Catani, M'Cormack and Kermode, have at various times inspected the road, and reams of paper are covered by reports, maps, plans, &c., in regard to it. A grant of £300 was also promised by the Government towards the cost, which was estimated at £647. At the last meeting of the council a petition was received from a majority of the owners and occupiers of the country to be served by the road, asking for a separate rate. This petition was ordered to lie on the table for one month. Cr. Fitzgerald, who has been championing the
cause of the settlers who want the road, submitted a motion accepting the Government's grant and the route proposed by Mr Catani, but on being put to the vote the motion was lost. In order to ascertain the definite position of the council, it was suggested that a resolution "That no further action be taken in the matter" be put. Crs. Western and Eakins moved to this effect, but the motion also was lost. Thus the council is in a unique position, neither in favor nor against the proposal, while the settlers, who have contributed work and money, are in great straits for a passable outlet for their produce, on account of the inaccessible nature of the country.

Was the road ever opened? I cannot find it listed in the VicRoads State Directory, so it may have been built under another name or not at all. 

Commmercial Street, Korumburra, c. 1910
Korumburra would have looked like this in 1912 when Carlo visited. 
State Library of Victoria Image H84.233/185

The Shire Offices are on the right of the photo, with the arched doorway and windows. According to Joseph White in his The history of the Shire of Korumburra (3) they were officially opened on March 18, 1908. The building had previously been used as a shop, known as Huckell's building, and had been offered to the Shire for 650 pounds. They did not accept the offer, so it was sold and the new owner then offered to sell them the building for 700 pounds, which is what the Council paid for it! They then spent 150 pounds on renovations. New Shire Offices were opened on March 26, 1956. 

(1) Table Talk May 3 1917, read article here.
(2) The Age  February 19, 1912, see here.   
(3) The history of the Shire of Korumburra by Joseph White (Shire of Korumburra, 1988)

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Carlo visits Yarram with plans to beautify the Hospital grounds and the old Cemetery

The Gippsland Standard published this article on July 24, 1914 about a visit Carlo made to the town of Yarram on Wednesday, July 22 (read the article, here) He proposed to do something 'ornate' to the Hospital grounds and make the cemetery a 'beauty spot' including planting palm trees and erecting a band stand and a play ground for children.  Not sure if any of this happened, I will visit the town one day and tell you. However, as Carlo's visit was less than two weeks before World War One started, I would be surprised if the town would have devoted resources to such a project at that time. 

Part of the report of Carlo's visit to Yarram
Gippsland Standard July 24, 1914

Visit of Mr Catani

Mr C. Catani, Engineer-in-Chief of the Public Works Department, made a flying visit to Yarram on Wednesday. His mission was to inspect the local hospital grounds and make recommendations to the committee in view of something ornate in days to come. Mr Catani brought with him a comprehensive plan as a guide to future work in this direction. He inspected the grounds, made valuable suggestions as to the planting, and particular stress on the laying out of paths, so that the convalescent patients might enjoy a walk.

While in the town Mr Catani was induced to inspect the old cemetery, which some day will be made a beauty spot in the town. The trouble is the furze [gorse]. Mr Catani expressed his willingness to draw up a plan, but his idea is not flowers. He favors grass plots, shrubs, and palms with a large plot in the centre for a band stand and play ground for the children. He does not believe in the suggestion that members of the local Friendly Societies should take certain parts and carry out their own particular schemes. United, some thing practicable and artistic might be done. However, a plan will be drawn up, but Mr Catani considers that it will take a couple of years to get rid of the furze.

Mr Catani is Melbourne's beautifier. His work on the foreshore at St. Kilda is evidence of his artistic skill. Mr Catani came from Italy in 1877, and has done excellent work in and around the city. Yarram is fortunate in having his services.

What were Carlo's plans for the Hospital Gardens? This article, below from the Toora and Welshpool Ensign tells us - The plans laid before the meeting, are elaborate, providing for fernery, shelter shed, kitchen garden, lawns, and a labyrinth of paths. The tradesmen's entrance is from Commercial lane. If carried out in their entirety there will not be a prettier spot outside Melbourne.

Carlo's plan for the Hospital grounds
Toora and Welshpool Ensign October 9, 1914

Yarram, c. 1910. 
This is how Carlo would have seen the town when he visited Yarram in 1914. 

The elms and palms in Commercial Street, Yarram, 1940s.
The Main Street, Yarram. Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co.
State Library of Victoria Image H32492/430

According to Victorian Places, the 1927 the spacious main street was replanted with Phoenix palms. I had thought that perhaps the palm trees were inspired by Carlo, however as we can see from the images above and below, the Main Street or Commercial Road, was not entirely planted out with palms.  According to John Adams' History of the Shire of Alberton  -  A beautification scheme was put forward late in 1923 to spend £5239 to place garden plots along the centre of the road [Commercial Street] but wandering stock were still a problem in Yarram. Another plan in 1925 was to plant elms down the street but the Traders' Association complained that the roots might break up the road. The Council went ahead with the planting, but in 1927 began replacing them with Phoenix palms, fencing the plots. The fencing was removed in 1939 (1). 

Carlo would no doubt have approved of the Beautification project, but I don't believe that the use of palm trees in Commercial Road was inspired by his own use of palms.

The elms and palms in the Commercial Street plantation, 1950s.
Commercial Road and Club Hotel, Yarram, 1950s. Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co.
State Library of Victoria Image H32492/5527

 I did not know that Carlo had any connection to Yarram, until I read a paper by Anne Bourke Carlo Catani and Alexandra Avenue: The Making of a European Promenade in Colonial Melbourne and she mentioned his work at Yarram.  The paper was published in Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand Volume 26, 2016 - Issue 1.  

(1)  Adams, John From these Beginnings: History of the Shire of Alberton (Victoria) (Alberton Shire Council, 1990), p.228.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Enrico Catani - War Services of Old Melburnians

In 1923 Melbourne Grammar published War Services of Old Melburnians recording the names and World War One military history of past students. Carlo's son, Enrico Ferdinando, was one of these students and I have transcribed his entry. He was listed in the book as Eric Frederick Catani, so had obviously anglicised his name. Enrico sounds like a lovely man who was loved and respected by all who knew him and what a tragedy it is that he and 60,000 of his fellow Australians were killed in the prime of their life.

Photo of Enrico from War Services of Old Melburnians

Eric Frederick Catani who was killed in action in France on 29th July 1916 was the elder son of Mr. C.D.T.M Catani. He was born in 1891 and was at school from 1905 to 1909. In his last year at school he was in the football team. On leaving school he went to Dookie Agricultural College, where he took his Diploma in 1912. He had a farm near Kyneton when war broke out, but he gave it up and enlisted on 28th April 1915 and was appointed 2nd Lieut. in 21st Battalion. “Puss” Catani, as every old boy of his time knew him, was a good fellow and a good sportsman and he made a splendid soldier. He was one of the troops on the “Southland” when she was torpedoed and was on Gallipoli from 4th September 1915 to the evacuation on 20th December. During that time he was away for three weeks, sick and wounded. He was acting as machine-gun officer nearly all the time he was on the Peninsula. During the Lone Pine engagement a 6-inch high explosive shell burst on the edge of his machine gun. It killed two of his men, wounded the other two, and buried him and his gun, and it was sometime before he was dug out and could not speak or hear for a day afterwards.

On his return to Egypt he was made Transport Officer and Staff Officer of Railways at Ismailia, and eventually rejoined his battalion, in which he had on 26th August 1915 been promoted to Lieutenant, and went to France and was killed soon after the Australian went onto action. A brother officer writing says: “He was the best and cheeriest of friends a man could have, and the life and soul of the company whether things were going well or ill. I never saw him downcast or out-of-sorts even when things were at their worst, and I hardly think there was a man better loved by officers and men in the division. His platoon would do anything for him and were inconsolable at his loss. On the night of 29th July I was ordered to take my company to hold a small trench which was the key to Pozieres. It meant marching in pitch black through a perfectly hellish barrage which the enemy were throwing behind the village. “Puss” was my senior company officer, and as my place was at the front I sent him to the rear charged with that most difficult and all-important of tasks - keeping the men blocked up when the shells began to take toll of the ranks. How well he did his job you can imagine when I say that looking back after getting through the barrage, I found the company blocked up as if on parade. The losses had not been inconsiderable, but his cheery voice and unfailing courage had caused every gap to be immediately filled. As they filed past me into some temporary cover, as I expected, he greeted me with ‘Cheer oh! Pretty warm trip, wasn’t it?’ I left him in charge and went to make a reconnaissance of our new position. When dawn broke he was missing, and though we spared no effort we found no trace of him. I hung on for days in the hope he had been wound and evacuated through the English troops on our left, but was finally forced to report him ‘Missing, believed killed’. In him I lost one of my very best friends and the most capable officer I had”

His Colonel writes: “He had won the respect of, and endeared himself to, both officers and men. He was one of the keenest officers that any commanding officer had under him, that together with his happy disposition and cheerfulness under all conditions made him a general favourite. He gave his very best, and was devoted to his duties. Australia has reason to be proud of her boys, and your son was a noble example even to Australians”

Cover and front page of War Services of Old Melburnians, complied by J. Beacham Kiddle, O.B.E.

This is the group photo - 1. E.B McKay; 2. C.C.D. St Pinnock; 3.E.A. Dyson; 4. K.R. Stephenson; 5. E.F. Catani; 6. J.H.R. Butler; 7. W.S. Campbell; 8. H.L. Franklin. 
'The School will  not forget"
"You, our brothers, who, for all our praying,
To this dear School of ours, come back no more"

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Carlo knows 'next to nothing' about flood damage on the Koo Wee Rup Swamp

The Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society has a series of letters from Mr Huntly Campbell Gordon of Five Mile (Koo Wee Rup North - one of Carlo's Village Settlements)  written from around 1911 to 1916. He was a prolific letter writer to the State Rivers & Water Supply Commission, his local MLA, Mr Keast and others. Mr Gordon kept copies of his letters and the replies and was on many local committees. For example, in 1911 he was writing on behalf on the Five Mile Progress Association and recorded the minutes of the Cora Lynn Progress Association, in 1913 he was writing on the flooded condition of the Five Mile School, in 1915 he recorded the minutes of the Koo Wee Rup Drainage Association and sent letters on their behalf. 

His correspondence reflects the reality of living on the Swamp as opposed to the theories that the drain works are sufficient and in this letter of November 21, 1913 he was very critical of Carlo Catani. This is a  rare criticism of Carlo.  

Five Mile
Koo Wee Rup
21st November 13

Farmers at Koo Wee Rup are taking exception to the remarks which Mr Catani is reported to have made concerning the damage done by the recent floods. Mr Catani said that the statements were greatly exaggerated, about the losses sustained. As a matter of fact, the Chief Engineer for Public Works knows next to nothing about the matter and the opinion is freely expressed that he is endeavouring to hide the imperfections of his own drainage scheme, by making light of the damage done.

It is ridiculous for Mr Catani to say that only 200 acres of potatoes were harmed, for four hundred would have been nearer the mark. Then oats, barley, wheat, carrots, peas , onions and fodder crops suffered and are still suffering through the soakage....

Mr Catani's remarks which Mr Gordon objected to were published in The Age on November 17, 1913.

The Age November 17, 1913

The Age followed up with this report on November 22 -  obviously taken from Mr Gordon's letter.  

The Age  November 22, 1913

Friday, December 14, 2018

The Catani potato

I grew up on a potato farm at Cora Lynn, the town next to Catani, so naturally the potato as a vegetable is close to my heart. There is, in fact, a potato variety named Catani. This is what I know about Catani the potato so far - it was developed by Roger Kirkham of the  Potato Research Station at Toolangi in 1986. It had trials at various locations throughout the State, including  the Chatfield farm at Catani, thus the name, so it is a potato that is born and bred in Victoria. The potato is grown mainly for chips i.e. French fries and the main (only?) growers of the variety on Koo Wee Rup swamp are the Chatfield family who supply a processing factory at Hallam who supply chips to fish and chips, catering companies, chips you would buy at the Footy etc. Carlo Catani has had many honours, but surely there could be no higher honour for a man or woman that to have a potato named after them!

This is the typical shape of  a Catani potato - a longish shape.  I have to tell you that the Catani variety is being planted now (December 2018) so the potato shown here has been in storage  for six to eight months - so it is not as perfect looking as it would be if it was newly dug. 

Catani seed crop in the Otways.
I am sure Carlo's heart would be filled with joy to see such a grand vista of a field of potatoes named after him.
Image: 2020 Seed Buyer's Guide published by Seed Potatoes Victoria

Here's some information about potatoes* -  Potatoes can be grown world wide, they are nutritious, relatively quick to grow and an effective use of land as 85 per cent of the potato plant is edible. Potatoes have been grown in the Andes for over 8000 years and came to Europe via the Spaniards in the 16th century and then spread throughout the world.  They have been grown on the Koo Wee Rup Swamp right from the time of settlement - the western end of the Koo Wee Rup Swamp was said to have produced 3000 tons of potatoes in 1894, just one year after the blocks were allocated to settlers, after the major drainage works. The importance of the potato to the economy of the Swamp was reflected in the Koo Wee Rup  Potato Festival, which ran from 1973 until 2000. 2008 was declared the Year of the Potato by the United Nations. 

 A composition of Catani potatoes.

*This information comes from a blog post I did for my work blog, Casey Cardinia Links to Our Past -

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Unveiling of the Catani family grave headstone

On Tuesday, December 11 2018 a head stone was unveiled on the grave of Carlo and Catherine Catani at the Brighton cemetery. Surprisingly for a man who had given so much to Victoria  the grave did not have a head stone, so a small working party was formed to remedy this and the result is this wonderful tribute to Carlo and his family. Around twenty five people attended the ceremony, including Greg, Nima and  their daughter Katherine Catani, who had come all the way from the United States. Greg is the great, grand nephew of Carlo Catani.

The unveiling was presided over by the Reverend Kathryn Watt, vicar of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Balaclava and Elwood. There were a number of guest speakers - Cr Dick Gross, Mayor of the City of Port Phillip; Jen Stone, President of the St Kilda Historical Society; Cr David Brand of the City of Port Phillip who is also an architect; Daniela (nee Volpe) Riachi who is the author of From Tuscany to Victoria: the life and work of Pietro Baracchi, Carlo Catani and Ettore Checchi (Italian Australian Institute, 2005) and Greg Catani who gave  a talk on behalf of the family.  I also did  a little talk. 

This is the elegant headstone designed by Isaac Hermann and created by North Eastern Memorials. The head stone was sponsored by donations from the City of Port Phillip, the St Kilda Historcal Society, the Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society and private donations. The bridge is Catani archway built in 1916 on the St Kilda foreshore and the palm trees are also a feature of the foreshore.

Reverend Kathryn Watt, of Holy Trinity Anglican Church Balaclava and Elwood, presided over the unveiling.  She did a lovely job and looked just like an angel, it was so special having her at the unveiling. Carlo and Catherine used to worship at the Anglican Church so it was a wonderful connection.  The headstone was covered by a black cloth and had a blue ribbon tied around it, which is draped over Kathryn's arm in this photo - the blue ribbon was in honour of Carlo's signature look - his 'sac suit of navy serge', you can read about this here

Left to right - Nima, Katherine and Greg Catani, Daniela Riachi, Isaac Hermann and Reverend  Kathryn Watt. 
Greg did the unveiling, but my photos of that were really ordinary, so I can't show you that. Isaac was the driving force behind this whole project and he should be commended and admired for all the work he put into honouring the Catani family by erecting a headstone on the grave. Isaac was helped and encouraged in this project, by many people, but especially Lois Comeadow, of the Brighton Cemetorians.  It was a lovely occasion and, as Carlo and Catherine have no living descendants, it was just wonderful that Greg, Nima and Katherine could be there. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Carlo and the Victorian Government Gazette

One of my favourite sources of information is the Victoria Government Gazette. The Gazette and its predecessors are digitised for the years 1836 to 1997 and are available on-line here    The Gazette covers all official notifications of Government and Legal activities and was the main way that the Government communicated with the public. If a person had applied for a patent, been appointed or dismissed from a Government position,  been granted a miners right, become insolvent, been granted land, applied to register a trade mark, became a Cemetery Trustee, been appointed a registrar of births and deaths amongst other activities then you could find them listed in the Gazette. You will also find information about places such as when the town, cemetery, school or church site was officially established  or 'gazetted', local government information, information about Council tenders, lists of animals impounded at the local pound - the list goes on. 

Here are occasions that Carlo appeared in the Victoria Government Gazette - 

Granted certificate of competency as as Land Surveyor
Victoria Government Gazette February 6, 1880, p. 302.

Licensed to practise as a Surveyor
Victoria Government Gazette July 3, 1885, p. 1881.

Appointed Engineer for Roads, Bridges, Harbors, Jetties and Coast works. 
Victoria Government Gazette  November 25,  1892, p. 4340.

Appointed to a Land Classification Board for Village Settlement purposes
Victoria Government Gazette September 10, 1902, p. 3721

Appointed to a Land Classification Board
Victoria Government Gazette  May 18, 1910, p. 2429.

Appointed a Magistrate
Victoria Government Gazette August 12, 1914, p. 3558. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Alexandra Avenue

In  July 1891 Melbourne suffered a major flood, when the Yarra River burst its banks and flooded surrounding areas. Later in the 1890s, plans were developed to straighten out the Yarra River to help reduce this flooding.  Carlo Catani prepared the plans and the entire project was carried out under his direction and supervision.  The work included the widening of the Yarra to the 300 feet as recommended by the Flood Board of Inquiry in 1892, but from Princes Bridge to the Cremorne Railway bridge, and diverting the course of the river to remove a sharp bend. 

On July 24, 1896 Carlo Catani wrote this letter to the Inspector of General Public Works, Davidson about the proposed Yarra River works -
The question is a complex one, as it involves, besides reducing the flood level, the other equally important one of improving and straightening the bed of the Yarra for navigation and recreation purposes, and also that very important factor of forming a beautiful promenade, worthy of Melbourne, on the bank of the river, where all classes could meet.*

These were the proposed works which included removing a sharp bend and widening the river.
State Library of Victoria - click on this link to see a higher resolution image of this map

By 1897 according to a report in The Australasian of November 13, 1897 the Avenue beside the Yarra was under construction (read the full report here)
On the south bank a boulevard is in course of formation. It is so far advanced that a steam roller is now consolidating the metal between the five lines of deciduous trees. These trees define the various avenues. The avenue, 25ft wide, next the river bank is for pedestrians; next there is a bicycle track, also 25ft wide; then a carriage way 68ft  wide; and finally a track for equestrians 33ft wide. The equestrian track was covered with tan.

Did Melbourne succeed in fulfilling Carlo's hopes of having a a beautiful promenade, worthy of Melbourne, on the bank of the river?  We will turn to The Argus of November 13, 1937 to see what they had to say on the matter. On that day the newspaper had  a feature on 'Great thoroughfares of the World' written by L.R. McLennan. You can read the full article here but here is an excerpt

Paris may boast of its Champs Elysees, Berlin of its Tiergarten and its Unter den Linden, London of its Rotton Row and Rio de Janeiro of its spacious paved thoroughfares. Melbourne, a city scarcely past its century, has in St. Kilda road and Alexandra avenue two glorious thoroughfares, which, even the most seasoned of travellers admits, would grace any of the great cities of other lands. Visitors to Melbourne have called these two outlets 'the most beautiful in the world'. 
There are many famous riverside drives oversea, but in the opinion of architectural and civic leaders in Melbourne there are few to compare with Alexandra avenue....... Alexandra avenue, whose shadowed and dappled beauty ....must stand, while the City of Melbourne endures, as a lasting monument to the genius, foresight, and pertinacity of Carlo Catani. It is to Catani, great planner for the future, a former engineer-in-chief of the Public Works Department of Victoria at a period when the city was stepping from its swaddling clothes, more than to anyone else, that the residents of Melbourne owe this sweeping boulevard of almost Elysian beauty which is now in the green prime of the springtime.

Clearly, Carlo's hopes for the beautiful promenade were realised.

The Avenue was officially opened by the Duke of Cornwall and York on May 17, 1901. The main purpose of the visit of the Duke and Duchess, who  would later become King George V and Queen Mary, was to open the first Commonwealth Parliament on May 9  at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne. The Avenue was named after his mother, Queen Alexandra (I have included a short family tree of the Royal family at the end of this post) 

The State Library of Victoria has a number of photos of Alexandra Avenue - here are  a few -

Melbourne - Alexandra Avenue showing new cut for straightening the Yarra River and later the new course of the river
State Library of Victoria Image H347

Alexandra Avenue. the postcard was sent in 1906. On the right is the Temple of the Winds, designed and erected in 1901 by William Robert Guilfoyle to honour Charles Latrobe, first Governor of Victoria,  who selected the site of the Royal Botanic Gardens.  
State Library of Victoria Image H85.70/112

Alexandra Avenue. c. 1935.
State Library of Victoria Image H2000.222/20

Alexandra Avenue (Rose Series postcard)
State Library of Victoria Image H32492/1603

For those that are interested here is a short family tree of the Royal Family - Queen Victoria (1819 - 1901) - succeeded by Edward VII (1841 - 1910) who had married Princess Alexandra of Denmark (the namesake of Alexandra Parade). He was succeeded by George V (1865 - 1936), who had married Princess Mary of Teck. Their second son became George VI (1895 - 1952), who is the father of the present Queen (born in 1926).

*Catani’s letter to Inspector General of Public Works, Davidson - 24 July 1896, notes from the Alan Holgate Collection provided by Don Bartlett – VPRS 1139 Unit 2 - courtesy of Isaac Hermann.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Carlo's patriotism is called into question

Did Carlo experience any discrimination due to his Italian background?  His Italian birth didn't seem to have any negative effect on his career and it does appear that he was well liked by many Victorians, who viewed him with much affection and respect. But I did come across this article where an unpleasant incident occurred and his patriotism during the First World War was called into question at a public meeting, which seemed a bit ironic as Italy was on 'our' side during the War.

Carlo faces an unpleasant incident.
The Age, July 26, 1916 - 

This article is from The Age of July 26, 1916. 

Addressing a meeting of about 200 public servants outside the Government Printing Office yesterday, Mr J. W. Billson, M.L.A., member of the State Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, made an earnest appeal for co-operation and assistance in the flotation of the new war loan. Mr W. Cattanach, chairman of the State Rivers and Walter Supply Commission, presided. The meeting was marked by an unpleasant incident, in which the central figures were Mr C. Catani, Chief Engineer, and Mr. Kerrigan, an official in the Treasury department. At the conclusion of Mr. Billson's speech, the chairman asked those present if they desired any information regarding the loan.
Mr Kerrigan: Yes, I want to ask a question. Do you think the stoppage of increments* by the Victorian Government is likely to increase the sale of bonds  (Cries of 'Don't answer him' and uproar, in which a voice was heard, 'Put him out.')
Mr Kerrigan (moving towards the crowd): Who said 'Put him out'? Who said 'Put him out'?
Mr C. Catani (stepping forward): 'I said 'Put him out!'
Mr Kerrigan: Oh, you, you're a foreigner. (Uproar)
Mr Catani: I am not a foreigner. I have a son fighting for us. He's over in France now - fighting for you and me. You are a cur!
Mr Catani's voice was scarcely audible above the uproar. Several of those present assumed a threatening attitude towards Mr Kerrigan, and one gentleman planted himself in front of that official in the 'shaping-up' attitude. For a moment it seemed as if the advice of Mr. Catani was to be put into practical effect, but the chairman called the attention of the meeting  back to the speaker, and the incident passed off. Mr. Billson said he refused to answer a question which he considered invaded political ground. 'I ask you to help us to beat the Germans,' he added, 'and then you can fight your own battles and divide the spoils'.

This is a precis of the rest of the article -  Mr. Billson, in the course of his remarks, went onto to say that provision needed to be made for the payment of 300,000 troops abroad  and the pensions of the dependants of those who had been killed, they also had to provide ammunition and equipment and this was at a cost of one million pounds per week, plus the normal expenditure for the government which meant 1,500,000 pounds was needed per week.....To do that he was appealing to them to do their utmost, according to their means, to help in the flotation of the new war loan. ......The war loan was a good investment, and they could not get a better. He appealed to them with confidence to help the Federal Government to make the flotation of the loan a success. A resolution was then put by the chairman that the meeting support in every manner possible the flotation of the war loan, and this was carried with enthusiasm.

You can read a follow-up to this article, here. 
Mr J. W. Billson was John William Billson (1862 - 1924), Member for Fitzroy and at one time Deputy Leader of the Labour Party- read about him here in the Australian Dictionary of Biography.
Mr W. Cattanach was William Cattanach (1863 - 1932) who was appointed to the newly created State Rivers & Water Supply Commission in 1906 and became Chairman in 1915. You can read more about him in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, here.
I don't know anything else about Mr Kerrigan.

*An announcement made in June 1916  that Public Servants over and above a certain Grade (earning £336 per annum) would not receive their normal increments such as the yearly increases they receive whilst advancing through their class or grade and their end of band payments. Read about it here - perhaps Mr Kerrigan was one of those who would miss out on this increment.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Carlo and Catherine Hanley are married by the Reverend Nathaniel Kinsman

On May 18, 1886 Carlo married Catherine Hanley. They were married by the rites of the Free Church of England at Moor Street, Fitzroy by the Reverend Nathaniel Kinsman.  Their address on the marriage certificate was listed as Marney Street, Fitzroy. I believe that this is actually Mahoney Street which can be pronounced as Marney as I cannot find a Marney Street in any old street directory in Fitzroy and this is confirmed as when their first child, Edward, was born a few weeks later on June 2, 1886 their address was  Florence Cottage, Mahoney Street, Fitzroy. The marriage certificate tells us the usual information - Carlo  was 33 and Catherine was 26; he was an engineer, Catherine's occupation was the all purpose 'lady'; his parents are listed as Enrico and Augusta (nee Geri) Catani and Catherine's folks are listed as John and Anne Hanley - John was a farmer. I can't read Anne's maiden name on the marriage certificate (see below). Carlo had been born in Florence and Catherine has her place of birth as Belfast, Victoria, the original name for Port Fairy.

From the Marriage certificate of Carlo and Catherine

So far so good, however I am not sure that I believe the Catherine Hanley story - was that her true name? We can't find her index to her birth, I can find no other children born to a John and Ann(e) Hanley born in Victoria, neither can I find the death of  person in Victoria with John Hanley as the father and Ann(e) as the mother; I can find no Hanleys born in the Port Fairy area between 1850 and 1870. There is evidence that the Hanleys were in the area in the 1910s, for instance Edward Hanley took up the proprietorship of the Port Fairy Gazette, sometime after 1902 according to the obituary of his wife, Ethel, which you can read here.

I also can't find a death of a John or Ann(e) Hanley with a Port Fairy connection, I bought the death certificate of the Anne Hanley who died in 1879 and that was not her - she only been in the country for three months and she did have  a daughter Catherine, who was 40 years old, around 20 years older than Catherine Hanley who was born, according to the marriage certificate around 1860. Neither can I find the record  of a marriage of a John Hanley to an Ann(e).  I have also checked Ancestry database and cannot find any matching records.

From the Marriage certificate of Carlo and Catherine - showing the Reverend Kinsman signature

So, clearly lack of corroborating evidence is not normally enough to convince me that Catherine's information of her marriage certificate may have been untrue, so I thought I would see if the witnesses to the wedding gave us any clue to her identity - they were Lydia Kinsman and Maria Lancaster. Lydia was the wife of the minister, Nathaniel Kinsman.  She died in 1905 at the age of 80 (thus born around 1825) and the Index to Victorian Deaths has her parents listed as Jonathan Leeming and Ruth Lancaster, so I presume that Lydia and Maria were cousins or some other relation.  Kinsman's obituary said that he married in 1845 and they had no children. Either way, this seemed to indicate that they, the witnesses, were not connected to Catherine Hanley, genealogically wise, so that was a dead end. Then I put Nathaniel Kinsman name into Trove and is he a true treasure trove of surprises.

The Weekly Times March 5, 1898

It turns our that the Reverend Kinsman founded his own church, the Free Church of England, and celebrated close to 10,000 marriages, including that of Carlo and Catherine. Here is an excerpt from his obituary published in The Weekly Times, March 5 1898 - read it here

Mr Kinsman founded the Victorian Free Church of England in 1862, taking as the nucleus of the new establishment a portion of the congregation, of St Mark's Church, Fitzroy. It was he who drew up the 'principles' of the new church, and he always entertained a conspicuous pride in them. Indeed, it was his constant habit on Sundays to stand at the door of his little church in Abbotsford street, Fitzroy, and regard them with affectionate interest. Anyone who has read the invariable procedure of new churches will recognise, as a matter of course,  that Mr Kinsman, the moving  spirit in the secession, naturally dropped into the position of head minister for life. In that capacity he was recognised by the State, and he was authorised not only to celebrate marriages himself, but to recommend others for similar privileges. These two powers exercised a notable effect upon his after career. The first laid the foundation of his stupendous marriage business. The second involved him in disputes which more than once threatened the disruption of the church and the consequent stoppage of the cheapest and easiest method of tying the nuptial knot ever known in Victoria Felix.

It goes on to say that Kinsman also operated a second hand furniture business and auction rooms The auctioneer walked out of his shop into his private parlor and by the simple act of crossing the mat was transformed  into the priest. The couples, mostly extremely young, and sometimes extremely old, seated themselves on the  well worn sofa, sanctified by so many  thousands of similar union, and the whole thing was over in a very few  minutes. The parson went back to his shop, and the happy couple departed to realise the meaning of 'Till death us do part'

It is an undoubted fact that many fortunate marriages have been conducted by Mr Kinsman. It  is also a fact equally undoubted that the proportion of divorces and other disagreeable proceedings consequent upon these Fitzroy unions is very large. How did Mr Kinsman work up this enormous business, and why, in spite of the stigma which attached to marriages celebrated by him  did couples come from all parts of the colony for the express purpose of being  united in Mr Kinsman's little front parlor. To use the words of a member of his congregation 'Because he charged small fees, and asked no unnecessary questions'. 

The Reverend Nathaniel Kinsman, c. 1880. 
Photographer: William B. Latimer.

It is this last sentence 'asked no unnecessary questions' that I believe strengthens my case that Catherine Hanley  did not give the the correct information - was she hiding something? I wondered if she had been married before and divorced (or married and not divorced). Alternatively, she may have honestly believed that John and Ann were her parents, that she had been born in Port Fairy as that is what she had been told by them or whoever raised her. My other thought is that she was born illegitimately and may have been raised by members of the Hanley family.  However, why then would they need to be married by the Reverend Kinsman - Carlo was in  a good and respectable job, so money wasn't the issue. Why did they only get married two weeks before the birth of their first child, that's why I wonder if she wasn't already married and waiting for the divorce. Or maybe they were just the original Fitzroy hipsters who had decided that marriage was just a piece of paper and that love was all they needed, but, all of  a sudden two weeks before the baby was born, a cloud of conventionality descended upon them and they decided to go down the marriage aisle after all. Who knows? And yes, I know that none of this matters now or that it in any way diminishes Carlo's career or the family life he shared with Catherine and their children, so if you think my theory that Catherine Hanley provided false information on her marriage certificate, either deliberately or innocently, is fanciful then I will be happy to be proven wrong!

If you are interested in the Reverend Nathaniel Kinsman I have created a list of newspaper articles on him and some of his marriages that ended with bigamy charges on Trove, click here to access the list.